Saturday, May 4, 2013

Day 4

Day 4: Favorite quote and why

I actually do not have a favorite quote, but I figured I would share one that has resonated with me lately.

girl%20reading%20outsidephoto via 

“We read to know we are not alone.”  -C.S. Lewis

I am a huge avid reader.  Well, I used to be.  A seventeen month old running around kind of makes it hard to get into a book ya know?  Anyway, I was kind of a loner as a kid.  I had friends and they were good ones at that (most of my friends were/are readers too), but I much preferred the company of those in books.  No matter what was happening in my life or in the world it was easy to escape and enter a different world.  A world that almost always seemed better.  This quote is something I did a screenshot on in my phone.  If it is worthy of a screenshot, it is worthy to ponder on.



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