Thursday, May 2, 2013

Day 2

Day 2: Educate us on something you know a lot about or are good at. Take any approach you'd like (serious and educational or funny and sarcastic).
Ok, so I really don’t know a whole lot about anything.  At least that’s how I feel so I have decided to not do this writing prompt and share something else extremely exciting instead.  Seriously though, this simple prompt almost made me not do this challenge.  I am good at baking, pretty decent at knitting, not too shabby at sewing, a pretty decent student and mom, etc… but not good enough to share any of that so here is my something extremely exciting.  My husband’s birthday gift to me.  Meet my new baby:
Yeah I know,  It’s not a big beast, but it is the one I wanted.  It is just an entry level camera, but I have wanted a DSLR for such a long time that this makes me soooooooo happy.  You have no idea.  Really.  Like I mean you really have no idea.  Now, once school is over I plan on diving in!!!  Eek!  I absolutely cannot wait till the pictures I take of E, our adventures, and our life are prettier.  A yellow kind of pretty.  See what I did there?!  So till tomorrow…

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