Sunday, May 5, 2013

Day 5

Day 5: Publicly profess your love and devotion for one of your blogger friends. What makes them great? Why do you love them? If you don't have blogger friends, talk about a real-life friend or even a family member

74723_555145317834423_1444672207_n me on the left, Samantha on the right'

I do not have any blogger friends.  No one really reads this here blog.  So I decided to talk a little (a very little) about a dear friend of mine of who passed away this past Halloween. 

I have known this girl since first grade.  We were in Brownies together, her mom baby-sat me, we had classes all the way through high school together.  For a few years in our lives we were best friends.  As childhood friends do we went our separate ways.  Although in such a small town, our separate ways weren’t that really separate.  Just different.  When I left high school I wanted to leave high school behind and move on with my life because isn’t that what you are supposed to do?  Well five years later I joined facebook and quickly realized how much I missed some of my high school and childhood friends.  Sam had married her childhood sweetheart, a Marine, and started a beautiful family.  Sadly her younger brother passed away right before his senior year.  That event shook that family like no other.  That event shook our teeny tiny town.  This past October we were all anxiously awaiting the news that her new baby was here.  Last minute I knit some booties, for who we thought was going to be another little girl, and sent them down to her.  Unknown to me, she was beside herself telling her closest loved ones how she didn’t want to get excited but thought I was sending her something I had knit.  Quickly on facebook the day before Halloween her mom posted that they had welcomed a little baby boy!  How exciting this was because he was supposed to be a girl.  I sent her a message saying sorry that the booties were very feminine, but I had no idea.   Unfortunately (that word is the biggest understatement) the next day she passed away due to an air embolism that basically exploded in her heart.  She left behind a beautiful four year old girl and a one day old. 

This event has shocked our group of friends.  It is something I think about every day.  Something that is bringing me to tears as I type.  I miss her ranting on facebook.  I miss her enthusiasm for everyone, even those who have done her wrong.  I just plain miss her and I know it is nothing compared to what her family is going through.  So dear Sammy Sue, we miss you. 



Saturday, May 4, 2013

Day 4

Day 4: Favorite quote and why

I actually do not have a favorite quote, but I figured I would share one that has resonated with me lately.

girl%20reading%20outsidephoto via 

“We read to know we are not alone.”  -C.S. Lewis

I am a huge avid reader.  Well, I used to be.  A seventeen month old running around kind of makes it hard to get into a book ya know?  Anyway, I was kind of a loner as a kid.  I had friends and they were good ones at that (most of my friends were/are readers too), but I much preferred the company of those in books.  No matter what was happening in my life or in the world it was easy to escape and enter a different world.  A world that almost always seemed better.  This quote is something I did a screenshot on in my phone.  If it is worthy of a screenshot, it is worthy to ponder on.



Friday, May 3, 2013

Day 3

Day 3: Things that make you uncomfortable

I decided with this blogging prompt that I would be honest.  Things normally one wouldn’t say.  So here goes.

beggar sign

image via

Seeing a person on a corner holding a sign saying ‘out of work’ ‘need money to feed my family’ etc., makes me extremely uncomfortable.  It is not that I don’t feel for them, trust me I do, but it is that I don’t know how to respond.  How to act.  Do I turn my eyes away and pretend they are not there?  Do I look them in the eye as we turn away from them on our path in our fairly nice vehicle?  I just simply don’t know what to do.  I don’t carry cash on me (who does these days really?) so even a dollar isn’t around to be given.  There are stories on shows like Dateline and 20/20 about those people that don’t really need anything but are out there taking what they can.  Seriously though, can those stories be true?  Here in the Midwest we don’t have the harshest of winters but they are harsh enough.  Would someone really be wanting to stand out in the bitter and occasionally snowy cold for hours on end hoping to get a few bucks for many hours?  I am ashamed to say that this makes me uncomfortable, but I truly don’t know how to respond in these situations.  May I ask, what do you do?

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Day 2

Day 2: Educate us on something you know a lot about or are good at. Take any approach you'd like (serious and educational or funny and sarcastic).
Ok, so I really don’t know a whole lot about anything.  At least that’s how I feel so I have decided to not do this writing prompt and share something else extremely exciting instead.  Seriously though, this simple prompt almost made me not do this challenge.  I am good at baking, pretty decent at knitting, not too shabby at sewing, a pretty decent student and mom, etc… but not good enough to share any of that so here is my something extremely exciting.  My husband’s birthday gift to me.  Meet my new baby:
Yeah I know,  It’s not a big beast, but it is the one I wanted.  It is just an entry level camera, but I have wanted a DSLR for such a long time that this makes me soooooooo happy.  You have no idea.  Really.  Like I mean you really have no idea.  Now, once school is over I plan on diving in!!!  Eek!  I absolutely cannot wait till the pictures I take of E, our adventures, and our life are prettier.  A yellow kind of pretty.  See what I did there?!  So till tomorrow…

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day 1



As a last minute decision I decided to join Jenni over at Story of my Life with her blog everyday in May.  As I decided I want this place here to be more simple for me and back to what my last blog was I figured back to basics blogging might be the way to go!!  So here goes.

Day 1: Story of my life in a paragraph

I am from a small town.  Like a two-stoplight town.  It was a HUGE deal when those golden arches made it finally into town!!  I grew up on a lake and now I know, looking back of course, how awesome that was.  Playing “kick the can” and “tag bag” was a normal evening on our dead-end children filled street.  I went straight from my momma’s house to my husbands and only moved a whopping 17 minutes and I quite like that!!!  I am a student that never seems to graduate and hopefully in a couple years I will be finished for a while (hopefully more on that soon!).  My awesome daughter came to us in December of 2011.  She has changed us, our lives, our relationship, and our future all for the better!