Monday, February 4, 2013

Competition Overload

We are so lucky to live in the era of the internet.  Information is at our fingertips in such a vast field of knowledge.  This quick access to information can be so beneficial, but it has its downside also.  The lives of others that seam so great and beautiful, glowing and special are put out there for others to see.  For a nosey person, such as myself, this can be wonderful.  I love to look at other people’s lives and see where they live, what they wear and what they do.  For a jealousy inclined person, such as myself, this can be horrible.  I look at other people’s lives and see where they live, what they wear, what they do and measure my life up to theirs. 

In the world of reality tv we are able to watch more affluent people than ourselves and compare what we believe to be their quality of life to our own.  They always looks perfect.  They are able to work out.  They drive such a nice car.  Did you see their house?  Oh, look at her rock!  To say that we never compare our lives to others is hypocrisy.  How, then, can we use this to fuel our fires to live our own lives to the best of our ability?

I have been struggling with this a lot.  Between Instagram and Pinterest, I “see” all of these flaws in my life.   I don’t measure up as a mom to others.  They take their children so many places.  Their kids eat such a variety of all organic foods.  My house is a dump compared to that persons.  The thoughts go on and on.  Just like all of the people I follow, we only put our “best” life forward.  I only show that spot of the floor that has no dog hair in it (two German Shepherd people, enough said.  Even though they are not in the entire house, it always shows up…)  I only show certain parts of my face or body so I don’t appear as heavy.  We all do it, and we all know we do it.  Now we just have to remember that others are doing it too.  They are only sharing the “better” “cleaned-up” parts of their lives as well.

Slowly, I have realized that I get to design my life to a certain extent.  All of the things I see others do or have is now starting to light a fire underneath my rearend.  For the first time, I am actually starting to study for my test days before rather than just the night before.  I am taking a little bit of time for myself each day to do two different devotionals.  I try to work out a little every day… still trying to get that on a routine though.  All of these little tweaks and changes has truly changed how my days are going and I love it!

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